Sunday, February 25, 2007

Camp WIT Austin Day Thirteen

Warm & windy...

Bike: Awesome route on the rolling country roads east of Austin. Rode out to Elgin and back. The return was a bit challenging into the steady headwinds gusting up to 40 MPH. Two events making the ride interesting - 1. Hit a large bump in the road hard on a descent causing my aerobars to drop which made for an uncomfortable position the final 18 miles and B. Almost taken down by a mean, nasty & aggressive farm dog which seemed to jump out of nowhere. 95 miles

Run: Controlled, fluid run off the bike. 11 miles

Swim: Quick swim in the cold natural spring waters of Deep Eddy pool. The water temp was chilly but it felt great on my legs. 650 y

Topped the day off enjoying another tasty burger with Terra & Zane at Phil's Ice House and some delicious hazlenut treat from Amy's Icecream :)
Keep it smooth...

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