With an active recovery week in progress I have been able to catch-up on the little things around the house which usually get ignored...dusting, cleaning my bikes (I have made a commitment to keep them clean), sorting a pile of mail, emails to friends back in MI, replacing a cable on my road bike, reading, car wash inside & outside, finalizing Kona travel, etc.
Wednesday & Thursday night a musician/healer/speaker conducted healing services at my church. Her name is Lorraine Louvat. Before I share with you what I witnessed, please understand I AM NOT ON CRACK OR HITTING THE BOTTLE! While I can not explain with I saw, I simply trust in my faith in understanding God's healing power.
Quick background on Lorraine...at the age of 4 she was told by God she would have a strong gift of healing but would use it later in life. Untile the early 90s Lorraine was pretty much a prayer hermit. She is not a religious sister. In 1963 she met with a guy by the name of Padre Pio, who himself was blessed with incredible gifts and is considered a modern-day saint being cannonized in 2003. At the time of their meeting, Lorraine knew nothing about Padre Pio and he provided her spiritual direction confirming her divine gift of healing and stating she would be given property on which to establish a healing ministry in the future. Lorraine had never told ANYONE about what God revealed to her at an early age, but through the Holy Spirit Padre Pio knew of her gift. Fast-forward to the early 90s and that is when Lorraine was asked by her priest in Maine to go out and begin her public ministry. In the mid 90s Lorraine was given 100 acres of beautiful land in rural Maine on which she has established the Lifesong Healing Ministry. It is a community of lay-people who pray for the healing of those who write and call asking for it.
This week she has been in Boulder conducting healing services and has done so across the globe. Lorraine is not a psychic and admits she herself does not possess any special power. She is simply a vessel through which Jesus places His healing hands on those in need of it. With her grandmother-like voice and tender heart she tirelessly opens herself to this work. She has healed believers and atheists, the young and the old. Her ministry is not limited to any particular religion or race, just as Jesus reached out to all.
I was intrigued when I first read about her in our church newsletter and the skeptic in me wanted to see this first-hand. Both nights I was witness to numerous miracles...healings on the spot. Lorraine is very clear that not everyone in attendance would be healed as the healing is not for her to decide, but God's will. Everyone though would receive a gift of grace from this experience. I saw people with chronic pain walk away pain-free. An older gentleman seemed to dance down the aisle while folding up his walker upon receiving the healing gift. Tears of joy flowed from the woman whose crippling pain from spinal fusions was removed. A teenage boy smiled from cheek to cheek as his humble wish to grow became reality through God's will and Lorraine praying over his legs, ankles and feet. On my grandmothers' graves I swear he became visibly taller than his mom at that moment.
My faith is integral to who I am as a person and Lorraine's gift to simply love others as Jesus did is a wonderful example how to live. Her vocation is to heal and share God's love. Many of us want to do this but struggle with how to carry it through within our own vocations/jobs. I think it is very simple: wherever God has planted you, that is where you are to share His love through your actions, words and how you treat others.
For me, I use my vocation as a professional triahlete & speaker for His glory. For example, while racing in Kona I will be raising money to support the work of a non-profit crisis pregnancy center (more on this in June). The amount of training time we commit is a great opportunity for prayer/reflection. If you have a specific prayer request please email (
brad@bradseng.com) it to me as I will be certain to keep you in my thoughts & prayers while swimming, biking & running. If we can lift each other up in prayer our lives will be blessed.
For more info on Lorraine & her ministry visit
www.lifesongljl.orgKeep it smooth...